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- 1 rem *** diet program
- 2 rem ***
- 3 rem *** by sandy davidson
- 4 rem ***
- 5 rem *** translated for the 64
- 6 rem ***
- 7 rem *** donna k. woody
- 9 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 10 printchr$(147):poke53281,1:poke53280,8:printchr$(144):poke53272,23
- 15 printchr$(8)
- 20 print:print:print
- 30 print:print:print
- 40 print" [208]ress any key to begin"
- 50 print:print
- 60 print" (or <*> to skip opening graphics)"
- 70 poke198,0:wait198,1:gete$
- 80 ife$="*"then530
- 100 printchr$(147)
- 120 fori=1to40:print"[129] ";:next
- 130 print:print
- 150 print" [211][193][206][196][217] [196][193][214][201][196][211][207][206]'[211] [196][201][197][212] [208][210][207][199][210][193][205] "
- 160 print
- 180 fori=1to40:print"[129] ";:next:print"[146][144]"
- 220 print
- 230 print
- 240 print"[212]his program is designed to help you"
- 250 print
- 260 print"calculate expected weight loss given"
- 270 print
- 280 print"certain factors."
- 290 print:print
- 320 print"[201]n addition, it can tell you the actual"
- 330 print
- 340 print"dates for each week of weight loss."
- 350 poke781,23:poke782,5:sys65520:print"[208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197][160][194][193][210]> to continue."
- 355 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:printchr$(147)
- 380 print"[202]ust type in your weight and other"
- 390 print
- 400 print"miscellaneous information."
- 420 print:print:print"[217]ou can change the data statments at"
- 430 print:print"the end of this program to provide"
- 440 print:print"yourself with motivation for"
- 450 print:print"successful dieting.":print:print
- 470 print"[217]ou could give yourself 'pep talks',"
- 480 print:print"or use them for specific goals you may"
- 490 print:print"have in mind."
- 500 poke781,23:poke782,5:sys65520:print"[208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197][160][194][193][210]> to continue.";
- 510 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:printchr$(147)
- 530 printchr$(147)
- 540 input"[215]hat's your name";n$
- 550 print:print
- 560 input"[208]resent weight: ";lb:lb$=str$(lb):lb$=right$(lb$,len(lb$)-1)
- 570 print:print
- 580 input"[195]alories/day you wish to eat: ";cal
- 590 print:print
- 600 print"[208]resent lifestyle:"
- 610 print" 1) [211]edentary"
- 620 print" 2) [205]oderate"
- 630 print" 3) [193]ctive"
- 640 print
- 650 poke781,16:poke782,0:sys65520:input"[195]hoose 1, 2, or 3: ";z
- 660 ifz=1thene=16:goto700
- 670 ifz=2thene=17:goto700
- 680 ifz=3thene=18:goto700
- 690 goto650
- 700 printchr$(147)
- 710 input"[206]umber of weeks you wish to diet: ";w
- 720 print:print
- 730 input"[205]onth (use the form [216][216]): ";m:m$=str$(m):m$=right$(m$,2)
- 740 print:print
- 750 input"[196]ay (use the form [216][216]): ";d:d$=str$(d):d$=right$(d$,2)
- 760 print:print
- 770 input"[217]ear (use the form [216][216]): ";y:y$=str$(y):y$=right$(y$,2)
- 780 ifn$=""thenn$="[207]"
- 840 print:print
- 850 print"[196]o you wish to have this printed out?[160]";
- 860 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 870 ifa$="n"ora$="[206]"thenprintchr$(147):goto900
- 872 print:print"[208]lease turn printer on and press a key."
- 874 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
- 876 open4,4,7:cmd4
- 900 readv$:ifv$="[197][206][196]"then restore:readv$:goto900
- 910 ifn$="[207]"thenprintspc(13)"[196][201][197][212][160][208][210][207][199][210][193][205]":goto970
- 915 t=int((40-(len(n$)+15))/2)
- 920 printtab(t)n$;"'[211] [196][201][197][212][160][208][210][207][199][210][193][205]"
- 970 print:c=0
- 980 print" [196]ate [215]t. [196]iet [212]hought for [212]oday"
- 990 print"---------------------------------------"
- 1010 print
- 1020 printm$;"-";d$;"-";y$;
- 1030 printspc(3)lb$;
- 1040 printspc(3)v$:c=c+1
- 1060 fori=1tow
- 1070 readv$:ifv$="[197][206][196]"thenrestore:readv$:goto1070
- 1080 ifm=1thenn=31
- 1090 ifm=2thenn=28
- 1100 ifm=3thenn=31
- 1110 ifm=4thenn=30
- 1120 ifm=5thenn=31
- 1130 ifm=6thenn=30
- 1140 ifm=7thenn=31
- 1150 ifm=8thenn=31
- 1160 ifm=9thenn=30
- 1170 ifm=10thenn=31
- 1180 ifm=11thenn=30
- 1190 ifm=12thenn=31
- 1200 d=d+7
- 1210 ifd>nthenm=m+1
- 1220 ifd>nthend=d-n
- 1230 ifm>12theny=y+1
- 1240 ifm>12thenm=m-12
- 1245 d$=str$(d):d$=right$(d$,2)
- 1246 m$=str$(m):m$=right$(m$,2)
- 1247 y$=str$(y):y$=right$(y$,2)
- 1250 lb=lb-(((lb*e*7)-cal*7)/3500):lb=int(lb+.5)
- 1255 lb$=str$(lb):lb$=right$(lb$,len(lb$)-1)
- 1260 printm$"-"d$"-"y$;spc(3);
- 1270 printlb$;
- 1280 printspc(3);
- 1290 printv$:c=c+1
- 1292 c1=c/14:ifc1=int(c/14)and(a$="n"ora$="[206]")thengosub2000
- 1310 next
- 1320 ife=16thene$="[211]edentary"
- 1330 ife=17thene$="[205]oderate"
- 1340 ife=18thene$="[193]ctive"
- 1350 print:print:print"[217]ou will weigh ";lb$" by "m$"-"d$"-"y$
- 1360 print"if you eat ";cal;" calories a day and"
- 1370 print"maintain a";:ife=18thenprint"n";
- 1375 print" "e$" lifestyle."
- 1380 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thenprint#4:close4
- 1390 poke781,23:poke782,6:sys65520:print"[208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197][160][194][193][210]> to continue."
- 1395 poke198,0:wait198,1:getz$
- 1396 printchr$(147)
- 1397 goto63000
- 1400 data"[212]oday's the first day!"
- 1410 data"[217]ou'll feel better!"
- 1420 data"[217]ou can do it!"
- 1430 data"[217]ou'll look great!"
- 1440 data"[197][206][196]"
- 1450 data
- 1460 data
- 1470 data
- 1480 data
- 1490 data
- 1500 data
- 1510 data
- 1520 data
- 1530 data
- 1540 data
- 1550 data
- 1560 data
- 1570 data
- 1580 data
- 1590 data
- 1600 data
- 1610 data
- 1620 data
- 1630 data
- 1640 data
- 1650 data
- 1660 data
- 1670 data
- 1680 data
- 1690 data
- 1700 data
- 1710 data
- 1720 data
- 1730 data
- 1740 data
- 1750 data
- 1760 data"[197][206][196]"
- 2000 poke781,23:poke782,6:sys65520:print"[208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197][160][194][193][210]> to continue.";
- 2001 poke198,0:wait198,1:getz$
- 2002 printchr$(147)
- 2005 ifn$="[207]"thenprintspc(13)"[196][201][197][212][160][208][210][207][199][210][193][205]":goto2030
- 2010 t=int((40-(len(n$)+15))/2)
- 2020 printspc(t)n$;"'[211] [196][201][197][212][160][208][210][207][199][210][193][205]"
- 2030 print
- 2040 print" [196]ate [215]t. [196]iet [212]hought for [212]oday"
- 2050 print"---------------------------------------"
- 2060 print
- 2070 return
- 63000 print"[147][215]ould you like to try again?"
- 63005 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$:ifk$<>"y"andk$<>"n"then63005
- 63010 ifk$="y"thenrestore:goto530
- 63020 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63030 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end